DATA MINING 2019-2020
DATA MINING 2019-2020

S.NO |
DATA MINING 2019-2020 |
OK9DM01 |
A Cloud Brokerage Architecture for Efficient Cloud Service Selection |
OK9DM02 |
A Comparative Study of Ontology Matching Systems via Inferential Statistics |
OK9DM03 |
A Correlation-based Feature Weighting Filter for Navie Bayes |
OK9DM04 |
A Distributed Trust Evaluation Protocol with Privacy Protection for Intercloud |
OK9DM05 |
A General Theory of IR Evaluation Measures |
OK9DM06 |
A Hybrid Approach for Optimizing Carbon Footprint in Inter Cloud Environment |
OK9DM07 |
A New Formulation of Linear Discriminant Analysis for Robust Dimensionality Reduction |
OK9DM08 |
A New Robust Approach for Reversible Database Watermarking with Distortion Control |
OK9DM09 |
A Note on the Behavior of Majority Voting in Multi-Class Domains with Biased Annotators |
OK9DM10 |
A Novel Feature Incremental Learning Method for Sensor-Based Activity Recognition |
OK9DM11 |
A Rapid Hybrid Clustering Algorithm for Large Volumes of High Dimensional Data |
OK9DM12 |
A Requirement-Driven Mechanism for the Management of Distributed Infrastructures |
OK9DM13 |
A Survey on Network Embedding |
OK9DM14 |
A Thorough Trust and Reputation Based RBAC Model for Secure Data Storage in the Cloud |
OK9DM15 |
A Unified Framework for Community Detection and Network Representation Learning |
OK9DM16 |
A Utility-Optimized Framework for Personalized Private Histogram Estimation |
OK9DM17 |
Adaptive Distributed RDF Graph Fragmentation and Allocation based on Query Workload |
OK9DM18 |
Addressing Interpretability and Cold-Start in Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems |
OK9DM19 |
Addressing the Practical Limitations of Noisy-OR Using Conditional Inter-Causal Anti-Correlation with Ranked Nodes |
OK9DM20 |
Adversarial Deep Learning Models with Multiple Adversaries |
OK9DM21 |
An Efficient Semi-Supervised Multi-label Classifier Capable of Handling Missing Labels |
OK9DM22 |
An Overflow Problem in Network Coding for Secure Cloud Storage |
OK9DM23 |
Automated Discovery of Process Models from Event Logs Review and Benchmark |
OK9DM24 |
Budget and Deadline Aware e-Science Workflow Scheduling in Clouds |
OK9DM25 |
C2Net A Network-Efficient Approach to Collision Counting LSH Similarity Join |
OK9DM26 |
CauseInfer Automated End-to-End Performance Diagnosis with Hierarchical Causality Graph in Cloud Environment |
OK9DM27 |
CFOND Consensus Factorization for Co-Clustering Networked Data |
OK9DM28 |
Chameleon A Hybrid, Proactive Auto-Scaling Mechanism on a Level-Playing Field |
OK9DM29 |
Co-Clustering via Information-Theoretic Markov Aggregation |
OK9DM30 |
Collaborative Optimization of Service Composition for Data-Intensive Applications in a Hybrid Cloud |
OK9DM31 |
Collaboratively Tracking Interests for User Clustering in Streams of Short Texts |
OK9DM32 |
Comments Mining With TF-IDF The Inherent Bias and Its Removal |
OK9DM33 |
Community Detection in Multi-Layer Networks Using Joint Nonnegative Matrix Factorization |
OK9DM34 |
Correlated Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Implicit Feedback |
OK9DM35 |
Cost-Effective Cloud Server Provisioning for Predictable Performance of Big Data Analytics |
OK9DM36 |
Cost-Efficient Consolidating Service for Aliyun’s Cloud-Scale Computing |
OK9DM37 |
CURE Flexible Categorical Data Representation by Hierarchical Coupling Learning |
OK9DM38 |
Deep Clue Visual Interpretation of Text-based Deep Stock Prediction |
OK9DM39 |
Detecting Pickpocket Suspects from Large-Scale Public Transit Records |
OK9DM40 |
Differentially Private Mixture of Generative Neural Networks |
OK9DM41 |
Disaggregated Cloud Memory with Elastic Block Management |
OK9DM42 |
DLTA A Framework for Dynamic Crowd sourcing Classification Tasks |
OK9DM43 |
Dynamic Auto selection and Autotuning of Machine Learning Models for Cloud Network Analytics |
OK9DM44 |
Efficient Mining of Frequent Patterns on Uncertain Graphs |
OK9DM45 |
Efficient Representative Subset Selection over Sliding Windows |
OK9DM46 |
Efficient Vertical Mining of High Average-Utility Item sets Based on Novel Upper-Bounds |
OK9DM47 |
Exploiting the Dynamic Mutual Influence for Prrdicting Social Event Participation |
OK9DM48 |
Fast Failure Recovery in Vertex-Centric Distributed Graph Processing Systems |
OK9DM49 |
FROG A Fast and Reliable Crowd sourcing Framework |
OK9DM50 |
Generalized Gaussian Mechanism for Differential Privacy |
OK9DM51 |
Heterogeneity Aware Workload Management in Distributed Sustainable Datacenters |
OK9DM52 |
Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding for Recommendation |
OK9DM53 |
Hierarchical Multi-Clue Modelling for POI Popularity Prediction with Heterogeneous Tourist Information |
OK9DM54 |
Hytrace A Hybrid Approach to Performance Bug Diagnosis in Production Cloud Infrastructures |
OK9DM55 |
IAD Interaction-Aware Diffusion Framework in Social Networks |
OK9DM56 |
Integrating Concurrency Control in n-Tier Application Scaling Management in the Cloud |
OK9DM57 |
Introducing Cuts into a Top-down Process for Checking Tree Inclusion |
OK9DM58 |
IO Efficient Core Graph Decomposition Application to Degeneracy Ordering |
OK9DM59 |
Latent Ability Model A Generative Probabilistic Learning Framework for Workforce Analytics |
OK9DM60 |
Learning Customer Behaviorsn for Effective Load Forecasting |
OK9DM61 |
Location Inference for Non-geotagged Tweets in User Timelines |
OK9DM62 |
Modeling and Predicting Community Structure Changes in Time-Evolving Social Networks |
OK9DM63 |
Modeling the Parameter Interactions in Ranking SVM with Low-rank Approximation |
OK9DM64 |
Multi-Label Learning from Crowds |
OK9DM65 |
Multi-Objective Energy Efficient Virtual Machines Allocation at the Cloud Data Center |
OK9DM66 |
Near-accurate Multi set Reconciliation |
OK9DM67 |
Nonintrusive Smartphone User Verification Using Anonymized Multimodal Data |
OK9DM68 |
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Side Information for Time Series Recovery and Prediction |
OK9DM69 |
Normalization of Duplicate Records from Multiple Sources |
OK9DM70 |
On Optimal Privacy Engineering for the Smart Micro-Grid |
OK9DM71 |
On Spatial-Aware Community Search |
OK9DM72 |
Optimistic Modeling and Simulation of Complex Hardware Platforms and Embedded Systems on Many-Core HPC Clusters |
OK9DM73 |
Pair-Linking for Collective Entity Disambiguation Two Could Be Better Than All |
OK9DM74 |
Parallel Trajectory-to-Location Join |
OK9DM75 |
Performance Analysis and Modeling of Video Transcoding Using Heterogeneous Cloud Services |
OK9DM76 |
Predicting Consumption Patterns with Repeated and Novel Events |
OK9DM77 |
Privacy-Preserving Social Media Data Publishing for Personalized Ranking-Based Recommendation |
OK9DM78 |
Private Graph Privacy-Preserving Spectral Analysis of Encrypted Graphs in the Cloud |
OK9DM79 |
Profit Maximization for Admitting Requests with Network Function Services in Distributed Clouds |
OK9DM80 |
Profit Maximization for Cloud Brokers in Cloud Computing |
OK9DM81 |
Programming Situational Mobile Web Applications with Cloud-Mobile Convergence An Internetware-Oriented Approach |
OK9DM82 |
Progressive Approaches for Pareto Optimal Groups Computation |
OK9DM83 |
Real-Time Change Point Detection with application to Smart Home Time Series Data |
OK9DM84 |
Representing Urban Forms A Collective Learning Model with Hetrogeneous Human Mobility Data |
OK9DM85 |
Robust Image Hashing with Tensor Decomposition |
OK9DM86 |
Scalable Interactive Dynamic Graph Clustering on Multicore CPUs |
OK9DM87 |
Schema-Agnostic Progressive Entity Resolution |
OK9DM88 |
SDCon Integrated Control Platform for Software-Defined Clouds |
OK9DM89 |
Secure and Efficient Skyline Queries on Encrypted Data |
OK9DM90 |
Stacked Robust Adaptively Regularized Auto-Regressions for Domain Adaptation |
OK9DM91 |
Storage Sharing Optimization Under Constraints of SLO Compliance and Performance Variability |
OK9DM92 |
Straggler Root-Cause and Impact Analysis for Massive-scale Virtualized Cloud Datacenters |
OK9DM93 |
Structure-Preserved Unsupervised Domain Adaptation |
OK9DM94 |
Super graph Search in Graph Databases via Hierarchical Feature-Tree |
OK9DM95 |
Towards Confidence Interval Estimation in Truth Discovery |
OK9DM96 |
Transactional Behavior Verification in Business Process as a Service Configuration |
OK9DM97 |
User Preference Analysis for Most Frequent Peer Dominator |
OK9DM98 |
Vertical and horizontal elasticity for dynamic virtual machine rconfiguration |
OK9DM99 |
Viral Cascade Probability Estimation and Maximization in Diffusion Networks |
OK9DM100 |
Webpage Depth Viewability Prediction Using Deep Sequential Neural Networks |