S.NO |
OK9PY01 |
A Deep Learning Perspective on Beauty Sentiment and Remembrance of Art |
OK9PY02 |
A Flexible Framework for Exploring, Evaluating, and Comparing SHA-2 Designs |
OK9PY03 |
A General Approach for Achieving Supervised Subspace Learning in Sparse Representation |
OK9PY04 |
A Machine Learning Approach for Fall Detection and Daily Living Activity Recognition |
OK9PY05 |
A Machine Learning Framework for Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA)-Based Malware Detection |
OK9PY06 |
A Two-Stage Model to Predict Surgical Patients’ Lengths of Stay From an Electronic Patient Database |
OK9PY07 |
Accounting for Label Uncertainty in Machine Learning for Detection of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
OK9PY08 |
Active Learning From Imbalanced Data A Solution of Online Weighted Extreme Learning Machine |
OK9PY09 |
An efficient Android malware detection system based on method-level behavioral semantic analysis |
OK9PY10 |
Cryptanalysis of An Identity-Based Encryption Scheme with Equality Test and Improvement |
OK9PY11 |
Evaluation of Machine-Learning Approaches to Estimate Sleep Apnea Severity From At-Home Oximetry Recordings |
OK9PY12 |
Financial Latent Dirichlet Allocation (FinLDA) Feature Extraction in Text and Data Mining for Financial Time Series Prediction |
OK9PY13 |
Influence of Compact Memristors’ Stability on Machine Learning |
OK9PY14 |
MPED A Multi-Modal Physiological Emotion Database for Discrete Emothion Recognition |
OK9PY15 |
OFS-NN An Effective Phishing Websites Detection Model Based on Optimal Feature Selection and Neural Network |
OK9PY16 |
Online ADMM-based Extreme Learning Machine for Sparse Supervised Learning |
OK9PY17 |
Outlier Detection in Wearable Sensor Data for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) Based on DRNNs |
OK9PY18 |
Reliable Crowdsourcing and Deep Locality-Preserving Learning for Unconstrained Facial Expression Recognition |
OK9PY19 |
Robust Unsupervised Multi-view Feature Learning with Dynamic Graph |
OK9PY20 |
Semi-Supervised Deep Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering for Imbalanced Multi-Class Classification |
OK9PY21 |
Usage of Machine Learning for Strategic Decision Making at Higher Educational Institutions |
OK9PY22 |
Recommending Personalized Summaries of Teaching Materials |
OK9PY23 |
Vision-Based Remote Control System by Motion Detection and Open Finger Counting |
OK9PY24 |
Toward End-to-End Car License Plate Detection and Recognition With Deep Neural Networks |
OK9PY25 |
The Location Allocation Problem of after Disaster Blood Supply Chain |
OK9PY26 |
Sequential Summarization: A Full View of Twitter Trending Topics |
OK9PY27 |
Secure Attribute-Based Signature Scheme With Multiple Authorities for Blockchain in Electronic Health Records Systems |
OK9PY28 |
Resource estimation in T20 cricket |
OK9PY29 |
Privacy-Preserving Social Media Data Publishing for Personalized Ranking-Based Recommendation |
OK9PY30 |
Prediction of Adverse Glycemic Events from Continuous Glucose Monitoring Signal |
OK9PY31 |
Optimal Appointment Rule Design in an Outpatient Department |
OK9PY32 |
On the Scalability of Machine-Learning Algorithms for Breast Cancer Prediction in Big Data Context |
OK9PY33 |
On Summarization and Timeline Generation for Evolutionary Tweet Streams |
OK9PY34 |
Multi-Task Cost-Sensitive-Convolutional Neural Network for Car Detection |
OK9PY35 |
Modeling of effective path-length based on rain cell statistics for total attenuation prediction in satellite link |
OK9PY36 |
Lane Detection of Curving Road for Structural High-way with Straight-curve Model on Vision |
OK9PY37 |
Investigation of Remote Sensing Imageries for Identifying Soil Texture Classes Using Classification Methods |
OK9PY38 |
HDM: A Composable Framework for Big Data Processing |
OK9PY39 |
Confidence Measure Using Composite Features for Eye Detection in a Face Recognition System |
OK9PY40 |
An Analytical Model of E-Recruiting Investment Decision: An Economic Employment Approach |
OK9PY41 |
A Structure-Based Human Facial Age Estimation Framework under a Constrained Condition |
OK9PY42 |
A Probabilistic Approach for Vision-Based Fire Detection in Videos |
OK9PY43 |
A Prediction Approach for Stock Market Volatility Based on Time Series Data |
OK9PY44 |
A Novel Approach to Moving Target Screening for UHF-Band SAR GMTI |
OK9PY45 |
A New CNN-Based Method for Multi-Directional Car License Plate Detection |
OK9PY46 |
A Linear Model Based on Principal Component Analysis for Disease Prediction |
OK9PY47 |
A Fuzzy Ontology and Its Application to News Summarization |