POWER SYSTEM 2019-2020
POWER SYSTEM 2019-2020

S.NO |
OK9PS01 |
Stability-Constrained Adaptive Droop for Power Sharing in AC-MTDC Grids |
OK9PS02 |
A Data-Driven Load Fluctuation Model for Multi-Region Power Systems |
OK9PS03 |
Sharing Energy Storage Between Transmission and Distribution |
OK9PS04 |
Reliability-oriented Networking Planning for Meshed VSC-HVDC Grids |
OK9PS05 |
Dynamics and Stability of Meshed Multi terminal HVDC Networks |
OK9PS06 |
Convex Relaxations of Probabilistic AC Optimal Power Flow for Interconnected AC and HVDC Grids |
OK9PS07 |
Two-Layer Control Scheme for Maintaining the FrequencyVoltage and the Optimal Economic Operation of Hybrid ACDC Microgrids |
OK9PS08 |
Fast Distributed Reactive Power Control for Voltage Regulation in Distribution Networks |
OK9PS09 |
Enhanced Frequency Regulation Using Multilevel Energy Storage in Remote Area Power Supply Systems |
OK9PS10 |
Sliding-Window-Based Real-Time Model Order Reduction for Stability Prediction in Smart Grid |
OK9PS11 |
Critical Load Restoration using Distributed Energy Resources for Resilient Power Distribution System |
OK9PS12 |
Distributed Stochastic Reserve Scheduling in AC Power Systems With Uncertain Generation |
OK9PS13 |
Power System Stabilization Using Energy-Dissipating Hybrid Control |
OK9PS14 |
Distributed Control of HVDC Links for Primary Frequency Control of Time-delay Power Systems |
OK9PS15 |
Distributed Optimal Tie-Line Power Flow Control for Multiple Interconnected AC Microgrids |
OK9PS16 |
A Distributed Coordination Control based on Finite-time Consensus Algorithm for a Cluster of DC Microgrids |
OK9PS17 |
Novel Supervisory Control Method for Islanded Droop-Based ACDC Microgrids |
OK9PS18 |
Fault Current Estimation in Multi-Terminal HVdc Grids Considering MMC Control |
OK9PS19 |
Decentralized Optimal Frequency Control in Autonomous Microgrids |
OK9PS20 |
Optimal Power Flow for ACDC GridsFormulation, Convex Relaxation, Linear Approximation and Implementation |
OK9PS21 |
Stability Analysis of Primary Plug-and-Play and Secondary Leader-based Controllers for DC Microgrid Clusters |
OK9PS22 |
Combining Modified Weibull Distribution Models for Power System Reliability Forecast |
OK9PS23 |
Design and Implementation of a Variable Synthetic Inertia Controller for Wind Turbine Generators |
OK9PS24 |
Battery Energy Storage System to Stabilize Transient Voltage and Frequency and Enhance Power Export Capability |
OK9PS25 |
A Hybrid Framework for Short-Term Risk Assessment of Wind-Integrated Composite Power Systems |
OK9PS26 |
Optimal Dispatch of Coupled Electricity and Heat System with Independent Thermal Energy Storage |
OK9PS27 |
Data-driven Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources for Active Power Provision |
OK9PS28 |
Predictive Control of Flexible Resources for Demand Response in Active Distribution Networks |
OK9PS29 |
A Novel Virtual Resistor and Capacitor Droop Control for HESS in Medium Voltage DC System |
OK9PS30 |
Large Signal Large Signal Synchronizing Instability of PLL - Based VSC Connected to Weak AC Grid |
OK9PS31 |
Detection of Periodic Forced Oscillations in Power Systems Using Multitaper Approach |