S.NO |
OK9CM01 |
3D Beamforming With Massive Cylindrical Arrays for Physical Layer Secure Data Transmission |
OK9CM02 |
A Dual-Antenna Collaborative Communication Strategy for Flying Ad Hoc Networks |
OK9CM03 |
A Homogeneous Multi-Radio Rendezvous Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks |
OK9CM04 |
A Low Complexity Signal Detection Scheme Based on Improved Newton Iteration for Massive MIMO Systems |
OK9CM05 |
A Near-Optimal Iterative Linear Precoding With Low Complexity for Massive MIMO Systems |
OK9CM06 |
A Node-Selection-Based Sub-Task Assignment Method for Coded Edge Computing |
OK9CM07 |
A Novel Single Feedback Architecture With Time-Interleaved Sampling for Multi-Band DPD |
OK9CM08 |
A Novel Two-Stage Beam Selection Algorithm in mmWave Hybrid Beamforming System |
OK9CM09 |
A Novel VLC Channel Model Based on Beam Steering Considering the Impact of Obstacle |
OK9CM10 |
A Quasi-Perfect Resource Allocation Scheme for Optimizing the Performance of Cell-Edge Users in FFR-Aided LTE-A Multicell Networks |
OK9CM11 |
A Widely Linear MMSE Anti-Collision Method for Multi-Antenna RFID Readers |
OK9CM12 |
Activity Pattern Aware Spectrum Sensing A CNN-Based Deep Learning Approach |
OK9CM13 |
An Improved Dropping Algorithm for Line-of-Sight Massive MIMO With Max-Min Power Control |
OK9CM14 |
An Uplink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Method Based on Frozen Bit Patterns of Polar Codes |
OK9CM15 |
AN-Aided Secure Beamforming Design for Correlated MISO Wiretap Channels |
OK9CM16 |
Analysis and Optimization of Wireless-Powered Cooperative Jamming for Sensor Network Over Nakagami- m Fading Channels |
OK9CM17 |
Analysis of Massive MIMO With Low-Resolution ADC in Nakagami- m Fading |
OK9CM18 |
Analysis of Simplified Frame Synchronization Scheme for Burst-Mode Multi-Carrier System |
OK9CM19 |
Capacity Bounds for Diffusive Molecular Communication Over Discrete-Time Compound Poisson Channels |
OK9CM20 |
Closed-Form BER Expression for Fourier and Wavelet Transform-Based Pulse-Shaped Data in Downlink NOMA |
OK9CM21 |
Coalition Formation Game for Resource Allocation in D2D Uplink Underlaying Cellular Networks |
OK9CM22 |
Computationally Efficient DOA Estimation Algorithm for MIMO Radar With Imperfect Waveforms |
OK9CM23 |
Construction of Bio-Constrained Code for DNA Data Storage |
OK9CM24 |
Cooperative Localization Based on Efficient Covariance Intersection |
OK9CM25 |
Design of Algorithm for Multicarrier Modulation to Improve Transmission Performance of Inductive Coupling Temperature–Salinity–Depth Chain |
OK9CM26 |
Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Strictly Noncircular Signal by Maximum Likelihood Based on Moving Array |
OK9CM27 |
Dual Trajectory Optimization for a Cooperative Internet of UAVs |
OK9CM28 |
Dynamic Feedback-Based Adaptive Modulation for Energy-Efficient Communication |
OK9CM29 |
Efficient Equalization for FBMC-OQAM Under Doubly Selective Channel Estimation Errors |
OK9CM30 |
Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for Cooperative NOMA Systems With IBFD-Enabled Two-Way Cognitive Transmission |
OK9CM31 |
Enhanced DFT-Based Channel Estimator for Leakage Effect Mitigation in OFDM Systems |
OK9CM32 |
Evolutionary Game Approach to Uplink NOMA Random Access Systems |
OK9CM33 |
Expanded Blaum–Roth Codes With Efficient Encoding and Decoding Algorithms |
OK9CM34 |
Hard-Decision Bit-Flipping Decoder Based on Adaptive Bit-Local Threshold for LDPC Codes |
OK9CM35 |
Harvested Energy Maximization in Wireless Peer Discovery Systems |
OK9CM36 |
Hermitian Self-Dual, MDS, and Generalized Reed–Solomon Codes |
OK9CM37 |
I2C Joint Intra-Packet and Inter-Packet Coding for Reliable Cross-Technology Communication |
OK9CM38 |
Improved Fast-SSC-Flip Decoding of Polar Codes |
OK9CM39 |
Indirect Diffused Light Free-Space Optical Communications for Vehicular Networks |
OK9CM40 |
Interference-Free Hybrid Optical OFDM With Low-Complexity Receiver for Wireless Optical Communications |
OK9CM41 |
Iterative Channel Estimation Algorithm For Downlink MC-CDMA Systems With Two-Path Successive Relaying Transmission |
OK9CM42 |
Joint Power-Domain and SCMA-Based NOMA System for Downlink in 5G and Beyond |
OK9CM43 |
Link Adaptation Mechanisms Based on Logistic Regression Modeling |
OK9CM44 |
Low-Complexity Beam Selection Algorithms for Millimeter Wave Beamspace MIMO Systems |
OK9CM45 |
MABRESE A New Server Selection Method for Smart SDN-Based CDN Architecture |
OK9CM46 |
Maximum-Likelihood Direction Finding Under Elliptical Noise Using the EM Algorithm |
OK9CM47 |
Modified DOA Estimation With an Unfolded Co-Prime Linear Array |
OK9CM48 |
Modified GII-BCH Codes for Low-Complexity and Low-Latency Encoders |
OK9CM49 |
Multicarrier Constant-Envelope Multiplexing Technique by Subcarrier Vectorization for New Generation GNSSs |
OK9CM50 |
Multimodal Sparse Representation-Based Classification Scheme for RF Fingerprinting |
OK9CM51 |
New Bounds on Wide-Gap Frequency-Hopping Sequences |
OK9CM52 |
On Complete Targets Coverage in RF-Harvesting Internet of Things Networks |
OK9CM53 |
On Cyclic Delay Diversity-Based Single-Carrier Scheme in Spectrum Sharing Systems |
OK9CM54 |
On Encoding and Decoding of Circular-Shift Linear Network Codes |
OK9CM55 |
On the Outage Probability of Peak Age-of-Information for DG1 Queuing Systems |
OK9CM56 |
On the Successful Delivery Probability of Full-Duplex-Enabled Mobile Edge Caching |
OK9CM57 |
Optimal Packet Size Analysis for Network Coding-Enabled Two-Hop Error-Prone Wireless Networks |
OK9CM58 |
Outage Probability for Cooperative NOMA Systems With Imperfect SIC in Cognitive Radio Networks |
OK9CM59 |
Peak-to-Average Power Ratio of OTFS modulation |
OK9CM60 |
Performance Analysis and Resource Allocation for Cooperative D2D Communication in Cellular Networks With Multiple D2D Pairs |
OK9CM61 |
Polarization Multiplexing-Based Ultra-Wideband Over Fiber Communication Employing Direct Modulation and Carrier Re-Use |
OK9CM62 |
Random Waypoint Mobility Model in Space Modulation Systems |
OK9CM63 |
Resource Allocation and Power Control to Maximize the Overall System Survival Time for Mobile Cells With a D2D Underlay |
OK9CM64 |
Restricted Access Window-Based Novel Service Differentiation Scheme for Group-Synchronized DCF |
OK9CM65 |
Secrecy Analysis in SWIPT Systems Over Generalized- K Fading Channels |
OK9CM66 |
Secrecy-Aware Altitude Optimization for Quasi-Static UAV Base Station Without Eavesdropper Location Information |
OK9CM67 |
Secure Multicast Communications in Cognitive Satellite-Terrestrial Networks |
OK9CM68 |
Source-Based Jamming for Physical-Layer Security on Untrusted Full-Duplex Relay |
OK9CM69 |
Strengths and Weaknesses of the ETSI Adaptive DCC Algorithm A Proposal for Improvement |
OK9CM70 |
Toward Wide-Frequency-Range Direction Finding With Support Vector Regression |
OK9CM71 |
Trade-Off Between Frame Synchronization and Channel Decoding for Short Packets |
OK9CM72 |
UAV-Assisted Emergency Communications An Extended Multi-Armed Bandit Perspective |
OK9CM73 |
Unified Ergodic Capacity Expressions for AF Dual-Hop Systems With Hardware Impairments |
OK9CM74 |
VariLoc Path Loss Exponent Estimation and Localization Using Multi-Range Beaconing |
OK9CM75 |
Which Statistical Distribution Best Characterizes Modern Cellular Traffic and What Factor |