Video Anomaly Detection With Sparse Coding Inspired Deep Neural Networks

Video Anomaly Detection With Sparse Coding Inspired Deep Neural Networks


This paper presents an anomaly detection method that is based on a sparse coding inspired Deep Neural Networks (DNN). Specifically, in light of the success of sparse coding based anomaly detection, we propose a Temporally-coherent Sparse Coding (TSC), where a temporally-coherent term is used to preserve the similarity between two similar frames. The optimization of sparse coefficients in TSC with the Sequential Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm (SIATA) is equivalent to a special stacked Recurrent Neural Networks (sRNN) architecture. Further, to reduce the computational cost in alternatively updating the dictionary and sparse coefficients in TSC optimization and to alleviate hyper-parameters selection in TSC, we stack one more layer on top of the TSC-inspired sRNN to reconstruct the inputs, and arrive at an sRNN-AE. We further improve sRNN-AE in the following aspects: i) rather than using a predefined similarity measurement between two frames, we propose to learn a data-dependent similarity measurement between neighboring frames in sRNN-AE to make it more suitable for anomaly detection; ii) to reduce computational costs in the inference stage, we reduce the depth of the sRNN in sRNN-AE and, consequently, our framework achieves real-time anomaly detection; iii) to improve computational efficiency, we conduct temporal pooling over the appearance features of several consecutive frames for summarizing information temporally, then we feed appearance features and temporally summarized features into a separate sRNN-AE for more robust anomaly detection. To facilitate anomaly detection evaluation, we also build a large-scale anomaly detection dataset which is even larger than the summation of all existing datasets for anomaly detection in terms of both the volume of data and the diversity of scenes. Extensive experiments on both a toy dataset under controlled settings and real datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing methods, which validates the effectiveness of our sRNN-AE method for anomaly detection.