Student Chatbot in Django

Student Chatbot in Django


A chatbot is an automated system that talks with the client and answers the client's questions according to the input provided by human. While the user is chatting with the computer, it appears as if they chatting with a human being. With the chatbot, students can find out about the college activities anytime, anywhere with an internet connection. Marketing, support systems, education, healthcare, cultural heritage, and entertainment are just a few of the industries that chatbots have supplanted in recent years. In a student's life, a chatbot can have a huge impact on the student's life because it is capable of resolving a great deal of academic difficulties, placement preparations, extracurricular activities in the college, and saving a great deal of time by providing answers to student's questions within seconds. It is not only a way for educators to stay informed, but it also makes it easy for students to get their questions answered. As a result of this chatbot system, departments are able to reduce the amount of work they have to do by providing the required information to students and this reduces their workload to keep on answering all the queries from students.