Smart Monitoring Cameras Driven Intelligent Processing to BigSurveillance Video Data Hadoop Bigdata

Smart Monitoring Cameras Driven Intelligent Processing to BigSurveillance Video Data Hadoop Bigdata


Video surveillance system has become a critical part in the security and protection system of modem cities, since smart monitoring cameras equipped with intelligent video analytics techniques can monitor and pre-alarm abnormal behaviors or events. However, with the expansion of the surveillance network, massive surveillance video data poses huge challenges to the analytics, storage and retrieval in the Big Data era. This paper presents a novel intelligent processing and utilization solution to big surveillance video data based on the event detection and alarming messages from front-end smart cameras. The method includes three parts: the intelligent pre-alarming for abnormal events, smart storage for surveillance video and rapid retrieval for evidence videos, which fully explores the temporal-spatial association analysis with respect to the abnormal events in different monitoring sites. Experimental results reveal that our proposed approach can reliably pre-alarm security risk events, substantially reduce storage space of recorded video and significantly speed up the evidence video retrieval associated with specific suspects.