Radio Frequency Fingerprint Collaborative Intelligent Blind Identification for Green Radio

Radio Frequency Fingerprint Collaborative Intelligent Blind Identification for Green Radio


Radio frequency fingerprint identification (RFFI) technology identifies the emitter by extracting one or more unintentional features of the signal from the emitter. To solve the problem that the traditional deep learning network is not highly adaptable for the contour features extracted from the signal, this paper proposes a novel RFFI method based on a deformable convolutional network. This network makes the convolution operation more biased towards the useful information content in the feature map with higher energy, and ignores part of the background noise information. Moreover, a distributed federated learning system is used to solve the problem of insufficient number of local training samples for a multi-party joint training model without exchanging the original data of the samples. The federated learning center receives the network parameters uploaded by all local models for aggregation, and feeds the aggregated parameters back to each local model for a global update. The proposed blind identification method requires less information and no training sequences and pilots. Thus, it achieves energy-efficiency and spectrum-efficiency. Simulation verifies that the proposed method can achieve better recognition performance and is beneficial for green radios.