Liver Cancer Detection in Matlab

Liver Cancer Detection in Matlab

Abstract :

The abnormal growth of cells in the liver causes liver cancer which is also known as hepatic cancer, where, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of liver cancer which makes up 75% of cases. The detection of this tumour is difficult and mostly found at advanced stage which causes life-threatening issues. Hence it is far essential to discover the tumour at an early stage. So the principle intention of this project is to detect liver cancer at earlier stage using image processing technique. Here the malignant liver tumours are detected from Computed Tomography (CT) images. The image undergoes enhancement using anisotropic diffusion filters and segmented by morphological operations which is simple and easy to work. This operation uses combination of two processes, dilation and erosion. The scope of this propounded technique is to highlight the tumour region present in the Computed Tomography.