Job Scheduling System in DOTNET

Job Scheduling System in DOTNET


Job Analysis forms the core of most human resource activities and can perform a number of functions. Researchers in strategic human resource management have established a relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and organizational performance, but the relationship between HRM practice like Job Analysis – Job Performance, the intervening process recruitment, connecting Job Analysis and Job Performance remains unexplored. This research attempts to assess the impact of Job Analysis on Job Design on the basis of the opinions of the employees of organization. A survey questionnaire was designed and pre-tested. The study was carried out by taking a sample size of 50 employees of conceptual framework of human resource practices in relation to recruitment process and its impact on employees Job performance and subsequent Job analysis and Job design. Results supported the HR-Performance conceptual model by showing significant impact of Human Resource Management practices on Job analysis and Job design. Here we deal with quantitative data collection technique. Researcher use descriptive as well as explorative research design. Future research should observe the outcome of booming execution of HR practices and the survival of assured practices on employee's job excellence and reliability. Also future studies by the researcher having keep interest in the association of these constructs can use this model to prepare new research or increase the generalize ability of this study in diverse sectors.