In recent years online social network is used as a marketing platform for advertisement industry for advertising their products or services to the huge volume of people in short period of time. In that Information Diffusion is a type of process in social network for predicting the future interest of people for some specific product or services. For example, a people are interested to buy any new product in online that they may prefer the same product their known person who bought the same product recently. From the above example is mentioned that the popularity of user and relationship among other user in the network. So Influence spreader identification is a key factor of the overall framework. Because of that wide interest of selecting the influence node in social network there is a need to develop models to evaluate their performance as a social influence node. In this paper is discussed the extensive survey on influence spreader identification based various methods and models with different set of metrics used in it to measure chances of nodes to become as a social influence. Along with this survey this paper is noticed the framework for influence node selection.