Few Shot Learning for Fault Diagnosis With a Dual Graph Neural Network

Few Shot Learning for Fault Diagnosis With a Dual Graph Neural Network


Mechanical fault diagnosis is crucial to ensure the safe operations of equipment in intelligent manufacturing systems. Deep learning-based methods have been recently developed for fault diagnosis due to their advantages in feature representation. However, most of these methods fail to learn relations between samples and thus perform poorly without sufficient labeled data. In this article, we propose a new few-shot learning method named dual graph neural network (DGNNet) with residual blocks to address fault diagnosis problems with limited data. First, the residual module learns the feature of samples with image data transferred from original signals. Second, two complete graphs built on the sample features are used to extract the instance-level and distribution-level relations between samples. In particular, an alternate update policy between the instance and distribution graphs integrates the multilevel relations to propagate the label information of a few labeled samples to unlabeled samples. This technique leverages labeled and unlabeled samples to identify unseen faults, encouraging DGNNet competency in fault diagnosis tasks with very few labeled samples. Extensive results on various datasets show that DGNNet achieves excellent performance in supervised fault diagnosis tasks and outperforms baselines by a great margin in semisupervised cases.