Cyber Security Server Accessibility in Django

Cyber Security Server Accessibility in Django


The Internet of Things (IoT), which has had a tremendous development in recent years, has altered many aspects of daily life by giving rise to commercial tools, home automation, wearable technology, and the framework for smart cities. The modern fantasy of having remote control over several parts of life has been realized because to this continuous connectivity and the ability of devices to acquire and interpret information. However, the various features and functionalities of IoT devices are a double-edged sword because they introduce a number of security flaws and dangers. Through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), we explore vulnerabilities and their mitigation strategies based on prior research in the field. Notably, while the importance of security in IoT is paramount, especially considering the sensitivity of data involved, there exists a challenge in striking a balance between robust security and user convenience. It's imperative that while bolstering security, we do not compromise on user accessibility. This paper presents a comprehensive discourse addressing the dual challenges of security and accessibility in the IoT landscape. Our findings underscore the urgent need for layered security protocols, encryption, and user authentication to counteract the escalating cyber threats. We conclude by proposing a balanced solution that ensures both security and accessibility in the IoT ecosystem.