Comparative Study on Ultrasonic C-Scan Imaging of Composite Lap Joints Using Piezoelectric Transducer Pulse-Echo and Pitch-Catch Configurations

Comparative Study on Ultrasonic C-Scan Imaging of Composite Lap Joints Using Piezoelectric Transducer Pulse-Echo and Pitch-Catch Configurations

Comparative Study on Ultrasonic C-Scan Imaging of Composite Lap Joints Using Piezoelectric Transducer Pulse-Echo and Pitch-Catch Configurations
Comparative Study on Ultrasonic C-Scan Imaging of Composite Lap Joints Using Piezoelectric Transducer Pulse-Echo and Pitch-Catch Configurations

Comparative DQN-Improved Algorithms for Stochastic Games-Based Automated Edge Intelligence-Enabled IoT Malware Spread-Suppression Strategies