Apple Leaf Disease Recognition and Sub-Class Categorization Based on Improved Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network

Apple Leaf Disease Recognition and Sub-Class Categorization Based on Improved Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network


Apple diseases cause a lot of economic losses to fruit growers in China. Early diagnosis and accurate recognition of apple diseases can control the spread of disease and reduce production costs. However, the significance of disease characteristic of apple leaves in complex environment is relatively weak, and the fine-grain among different diseases of apple leaves is high, and the conventional feature extraction methods will lose the discrimination information. To solve these problems, an apple disease classification model based on multi-scale feature fusion is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the information flow of conventional residual network (ResNet) was improved to achieve efficient information circulation through changing the position of batch normalization and rectified linear unit (ReLU). Secondly, in order to solve the problem of serious loss of information in ResNet downsample, the channel projection and spatial projection of downsample were separated. Lastly, the 3×3 conv in ResBlocks was replaced by pyramid convolution, and the dilated convolution with different dilation rate was introduced into pyramid convolution to enhance the output scale of feature maps and improve the robustness of the model. The optimized model was verified on the dataset of this paper, and the optimized model had stronger anti-noise ability and better robustness, excellent learning effect and fast convergence speed. The classification accuracy on the original dataset is 94.24%, and that on the preprocessed dataset is 94.99%. The results demonstrate that the optimal model has a high accuracy, which can provide a reference for the prevention and control of apple leaf diseases.