Analog-Based Synapse of Double HfZrO2 Ferroelectric FETs With Homogeneous Phase by Superlattice HfO2-ZrO2 Toward Energy Efficient Accelerator

Analog-Based Synapse of Double HfZrO2 Ferroelectric FETs With Homogeneous Phase by Superlattice HfO2-ZrO2 Toward Energy Efficient Accelerator

Analog-Based Synapse of Double HfZrO2 Ferroelectric FETs With Homogeneous Phase by Superlattice HfO2-ZrO2 Toward Energy Efficient Accelerator
Analog-Based Synapse of Double HfZrO2 Ferroelectric FETs With Homogeneous Phase by Superlattice HfO2-ZrO2 Toward Energy Efficient Accelerator

An Urban Land Cover Classification Method Based on Segments? Multidimension Feature Fusion