Agricultural Crop Selection in Python

Agricultural Crop Selection in Python


The paper presents about hardware systems, soft-ware, and database systems on on-the-go soil pH mapping portable system to map soil pH profile of the agricultural land. The hardware system includes processor, soil sensors integrated (GPS, soil pH, soil moisture sensor to record soil profiles), and dc motor for punching land in the process of recording soil profiles. The software system uses android platform application to access data from database and draw map soil pH and soil moisture data on google map platform. Database systems uses fuzzy logic algorithm for selection appropriate plant based on soil pH, soil moisture, and temperature as a result of GPS altitude conversion data. Sending data on on-the-go soil pH portable system from the hardware system to the database system using the internet network with HTTP Request protocol. The test results of plant decision making on the land mapping system on agricultural land with fuzzy logic method have quite uniform crop output with a fairly small error rate of 1.99 %.