A Novel Patient Centric Architectural Framework for Blockchain Enabled Healthcare Application

A Novel Patient Centric Architectural Framework for Blockchain Enabled Healthcare Application


With the proliferation of information and communication technology in every walks of the society, including healthcare services, digitization, and increased sophistication have been gaining pace, digital healthcare alternatives such as electronic healthcare record (EHR) have gained prominence with increased patients' data volume. However, traditional EHR-based systems are plagued by data loss risks, security and immutability consensus over health records, gapped communication among constituted hospitals, and inefficient clinical data retrieval systems, among others. Blockchain has been developed as a decentralized technology that holds the promise to address the aforesaid facilities in EHR-based systems. This article presents a patient-centric design of a decentralized healthcare management system with blockchain-based EHR using javascript-based smart contracts. A working prototype based on hyperledger fabric and composer technology has also been implemented which guarantees the security of the proposed model. Experiments with the hyperledger caliper benchmarking tool provide performance such as latency, throughput, resource utilization, and so on under varied scenarios and control parameters. The results affirm the efficacy of the proposed approach.