A Hybrid Method of Feature Extraction for Signatures Verification Using CNN and HOG a Multi Classifi

A Hybrid Method of Feature Extraction for Signatures Verification Using CNN and HOG a Multi Classifi


The offline signature verification system’s feature extraction stage is regarded as crucial and has a significant impact on how well these systems perform because the quantity and calibration of the features that are extracted determine how well these systems can distinguish between authentic and fake signatures. In this study, we introduced a hybrid method for extracting features from signature images, wherein a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) were used, followed by the feature selection algorithm (Decision Trees) to identify the key features. Finally, the CNN and HOG methods were combined. Three classifiers were employed to evaluate the efficacy of the hybrid method (long short-term memory, support vector machine, and K-nearest Neighbor). The experimental findings indicated that our suggested model executed satisfactorily in terms of efficiency and predictive ability, with accuracies of (95.4%, 95.2%, and 92.7%) the UTSig dataset, and (93.7%, 94.1%, and 91.3%, respectively) with the CEDAR dataset. This accuracy is deemed to be of high significance, particularly given that we checked skilled forged signatures that are more difficult to recognize than other forms of forged signatures like (simple or opposite).